Christ the Lord

“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”Acts 2:36 (NKJV) WHAT IT MEANS… Christ is our English translation from the Greek word Christos meaning Anointed One. It is found over 560 times in the New Testament and…

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Ancient of Days

  WHAT IT MEANS… God’s name, Ancient of Days is found only 3 times in Scripture and all 3 references are written in Daniel 7. The Holman Illustrated Dictionary defines this name to literally mean, “One advanced in (of) days” and may possibly mean, “one who forwards time or rules…

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  WHAT ALMIGHTY MEANS… Almighty refers to God as All-Powerful, Omnipotent, Supreme, Preeminent, and Invincible. God is unlimited in might and power.  In the original language, Almighty is the word Shaddai and some believe it derived from the root shad which means breast. Other scholars believe that the name is derived from an…

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Because of the cross, Jesus can rightfully intercede for us in the judicial sense guaranteeing that the binding contract (covenant) we have with Him can not be broken regardless of what we do.

And in a relational sense, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit stand with us, beside us, intercedes for us, and helps us.

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