What Does It Mean to Abide?

JOHN 15:4-5 says,  “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears…

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Are You Hanging On When You Should Be Letting Go?

Have you been casting your cares to the Lord like you’re casting a fishing line?
Or have you learned the skillful art of casting your cares to the Lord like you cast stones across the water?

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Need Hope?

In a small Texas Panhandle town, the farm business was booming. It was the 70’s and the government had stepped in with incentivized loans at low interest rates, giving the farmers a much needed break and the money they needed to grow their businesses. But the 80’s came roaring in…

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A New Devotional for Overwhelmed Moms & an Invite to a FB Live in August!

In Overwhelmed: 31 Devotions for Moms each devotion equips moms with…

• Scripture to cling to
• Real life relatable mom-stories
• Reflective questions to inspire personal growth.

Hope you’ll join in and let’s discover how to overcome overwhelmed together!

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If God is all powerful, why is there evil in the world?

Recently, we looked at some of the reasons why people renounce their faith. Unfortunately, it’s often because they have legitimate questions for which they can’t find answers and instead of seeking those answers in the right places, they pull back and they pull away from any thread of faith they may have…

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Why Do People Renounce Their Faith?

His name is Jon Steingard. He’s the lead singer of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson and the latest high profile “Christian” to renounce his faith. It happens far too often and for a wide variety of reasons- but ultimately – one of the foundational reasons is because they have legitimate questions…

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